WOMAN Means Something
Begun in response to Bill C-16, the WOMAN Means Something campaign highlights women’s sex-based rights in Canada, centered around their privacy rights and protections.
It houses the Target study, which has been downloaded over 10,000 times and is one of the first statistical investigations into the effects of gender-identity based privacy policies .
Although it is no longer being regularly updated, it contains dozens of useful articles, including on the literature around gender identity and transition.
Video Literature Reviews
Literature Review on
Long-Term Outcomes for Transition
Literature Review on Desistence of Gender Dysphoria
Protests and Public Advocacy
Stand Up, Speak Up! Rally
April, 2021
Stop SOGI Rally
July, 2018
Townhall Presentation
Sept, 2017
Does Procreation Belong in the Definition of Marriage?
Paper prepared for discussion on the Statement on Gender and Sexuality within the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Canada.
Research over the last decade has solidified the finding that sexual minorities are far more likely to have faced adverse experiences during childhood—experiences that they ought to be able to explore in therapy.
A pattern begins to emerge as we survey some of the best and longest outcome studies on gender transition: the longer the studies and the better the methods, the more negative the results.